
How we worship

Wheatland exists to glorify God. Central to growing in that mission is gathering together for worship on Sunday mornings. In worship, we glorify God by acknowledging the greatness of God and expressing love for him. 

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Jesus gave the church two practices that are at the core of our identity. These two ancient practices, often called sacraments, are Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Knowing our weaknesses and doubts, God gives us these tangible experiences of his love and grace in the water and in the meal that we share together.

We baptize the children of believers and adult converts to the Christian faith as a display of God's grace, marking their entrance into the church.

We eat the Lord’s Supper weekly, knowing that each time we turn to God in faith and repentance to eat his meal, our lavish, generous, giving God meets us over and over, time after time after time, with his life-giving feast of grace.  


Worship is the foundation of our life together here at Wheatland and music is an integral part of our worship. 

Because we believe that worship is active rather than passive, music at Wheatland supports the congregational singing in order to engage rather than entertain. 

Our instrumentalists and vocalists serve our congregation by adding warmth and richness to our singing, seeking to point us toward the multi-faceted glory of the Triune God. To this end, we will use a broad spectrum of instruments and genres to avoid romanticizing any stage in music history, whether past or present. 

At Wheatland, you will find ancient tunes that the Christian community has been singing for thousands of years, hymns from our own tradition (the Protestant Reformation) and new music that is being written by our own talented musicians.


Prayer is a vital way that God gives grace to his people. Because we believe this, we are striving to be a congregation of prayer. In order to be living a life of prayer, we begin by infusing our worship services with times of public and private prayer. We also make prayer a primary focus in our care groups.

In addition, we offer prayer services at the following times:

Tuesdays at 7:30am: Zoom Meeting (email bboone@wheatlandpca.org to receive the link to access the meetings)

Thursdays at 7:30am: Held at Tom and Becky Becker's home

Join Us On sundays

Sunday Worship Services (Sept-May): 8:30am and 11:15am

Sunday Worship Services (June-Aug): 8:30am and 10:30am


Sunday Classes

Sundays (September - May) - 10:15am

Ages 3 - 5th Grade:   Harvest House

6th - 12th Grade:       Church Office

Adults:                         Augustine Room & Sanctuary



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Lancaster PA 17603

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